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8 Novel Tips for Any Bookworm: Where to Buy Cheap Books

8 Novel Tips for Any Bookworm: Where to Buy Cheap Books
Published on Apr 08, 2022
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Do you love nothing more than sticking your head in a good book?! Reading has so many benefits, and it’s so important that we’re able to read as much as we possibly can.

If you’re a bookworm or know somebody that is, then you’ll know that keeping up with your novel hobby does sometimes come at a price!

If you’re eager to buy newly released books, especially, then the cost of these can really add up. But don’t fear! If you’re looking to fuel your passion for reading, without the hefty price tag, then check out some of our top tips. 

What Are the Benefits of Reading?

a woman reading to her daughter at night

Reading books frequently has so many benefits for everyone, no matter what your age. 

Unfortunately, life can get in the way sometimes and we’re not always able to read as much as we like. But if you really make a proactive effort to read that pile of books you purchased from Books2Door, then below are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • It’s entertaining! Books are often much better than their TV or movie form.
  • You’ll probably learn something new.
  • You gain a better understanding of history and the world around you.
  • You’ll develop better concentration and focus. 
  • It’s a great way to unwind and reduce stress.
  • It can improve your writing and vocabulary.
  • It can help you sleep better.
  • It CAN be cheap! 

How Can I Save Money on Books?

So, now you know about all the benefits of reading. It’s important to understand the best way to find books and how it can help you save money.

Head To the Library 

Did you know that you can actually borrow a certain number of books from your local library for absolutely FREE?!

If you’re anything like me, then you probably haven’t stepped foot in a library since school. But they can offer an absolute goldmine of books that you may not even be able to find in high-street stores. 

It’s also really important to support your local library so that they can provide a safe space for many more generations to come.

Buy Second-Hand

Probably one of the easiest ways to get your books for less is to shop second-hand.

Whether it’s your local charity shop, Facebook marketplace, buying from a library, or even heading to a car-boot sale. You can find yourself bagging some awesome books for less than £1! You could even check out sites like Awesome Books where you can buy second hand books for a bargain! 

Shop Online

By shopping online you’re likely to find much better deals and discount codes than you would be able to find by going into your local bookstore. 


Check out major websites such as Amazon to stock up on books, or you can visit our website to find all of the latest discount codes that you can use on high-street websites. 

Swap With Friends or Strangers

Don’t forget, sharing is caring!

If you can read double the number of books for the price of 1, then you’re in for a winner. Speak to friends or family that you know share common interests in books. 

Alternatively, you could check out Facebook Marketplace or even join social media groups with like-minded people. 

Go Digital

In today’s modern world, it’s often much cheaper to buy audiobooks that you can read on a Kindle from Currys than it is to buy their hardcopy counterpart. 


A kindle is, of course, an extra expense initially. However, it could end up saving you a lot of money. If you do have a kindle, then don’t forget to check out their FREE books section, too!

Start a Blog

A fantastic way to get money off books is to showcase your passion through a blog!

You could use this to review books that you’ve read and talk about your own experience and love of reading. Once you’ve built up your profile as an influencer, you’ll find yourself bagging yourself some great discounts and commissions.

You could also look out for paid review work, whereby you’re able to review books for free before they’re published. 

Sign up for Loyalty Programmes

If you find yourself buying books frequently from the same place, such as Waterstones, then you could save loads of cash by finding out if they offer a loyalty scheme!


You may find that you’re able to get money off or even a free book after purchasing a certain number of books – so it’s definitely a good way to save you a few quid in the long run. 

Check for Offers

If you’re after new releases or more expensive books that you’d like to keep your own copy of – then make sure to take advantage of any offers at online book stores such as Foyles Books.


A good idea is to add them to your wish list so that you’re able to keep your eye on them regularly and be the first to bag them if you find a price drop. 

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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